Analysis of MITgcm output using python
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 Useful functions that don't belong elsewhere.


def mitgcm.functions.calc_surface
 Calculate an isosurface of input_array. More...
def mitgcm.functions.extract_on_surface (input_array, surface_locations, axis_values)
 Extract the value of a 3D field on a 2D surface. More...
def mitgcm.functions.layer_integrate
 Integrate between two non-trivial surfaces, 'upper_contour' and 'lower_contour'. More...
def mitgcm.functions.test_layer_integrate ()
def mitgcm.functions.interp_field
 Interpolate a given field onto a different grid. More...
def mitgcm.functions.export_binary
 Export binary files that can be imported into the MITgcm. More...
def mitgcm.functions.show_variables (netcdf_filename)
 A shortcut function to display all of the variables contained within a netcdf file. More...
def mitgcm.functions.plt_mon_stats
 Plot some monitor file variables. More...
def mitgcm.functions.replace_nans
 Replace NaN elements in an array using an iterative image inpainting algorithm. More...
def mitgcm.functions.numerics_replace_nans (max_iter, n_nans, inans, jnans, filled, kernel, kernel_size, tol, replaced_new, replaced_old)
def mitgcm.functions.shift_vort_to_T (array)
 Shift the array from vorticity points to the corresponding tracer point. More...
def mitgcm.functions.shift_U_to_T (array)
 Shift the array from UVEL points to the corresponding tracer point. More...
def mitgcm.functions.shift_V_to_T (array)
 Shift the array from VVEL points to the corresponding tracer point. More...
def mitgcm.functions.shift_W_to_T (array)
 Shift the array from WVEL points to the corresponding tracer point. More...